You need to temporarily lock your Messenger account due to disturbances or wanting to take a break from being online but don't know how. Don't worry, read the following article to learn how to temporarily disable Messenger.

To disable Messenger, the first thing you need to do is to disable your Facebook account first. Refer and follow the article "Instructions on how to permanently delete a Facebook account" and in the Disable and delete section, you choose to disable the account instead of deleting the account.

How to disable Messenger on your phone

Step 1: After successfully disabling your Facebook account, open the Messenger application on your phone and log in again.

Step 2: Click on the profile picture icon.

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Legal & Policies.

Step 5: Select Disable Messenger.

Step 6: Enter the password and then Click Continue.

Step 7: Select Disable and you're done.

Note: This is just a way to temporarily disable Messenger, so to reactivate Messenger, you just need to log in again. If you lock both Facebook and Messenger accounts, when you reactivate Messenger, your Facebook account will also be reactivated.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

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