Before you start learning SEO, you must understand what SEO is and why your business should invest in SEO as soon as possible.

Speaking of Digital Marketing, it's a vast field and SEO is among the essential knowledge that enables you to autonomously run an online business, .... on Google's platform in general and other similar platforms like Bing, Coccoc, ...

I. What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, a comprehensive set of methods to elevate your website or application to the highest possible position. This helps users find and see your website or application on those search engines.

  • For websites, we typically perform SEO on Google, Coccoc, Bing, Yandex, ...
  • For applications, depending on the platform, SEO can be done on Ch Play and App Store.

II. Why Should Your Business Do SEO?

Currently, Google remains the most popular tool for searching information, with Google Consumer Barometer statistics from 2017 showing that in Vietnam, 93.3% of Internet users use Google, with over 3.9 billion visits each month.

When your business does SEO, users searching for information about your products or services will find you on Google, giving your business the opportunity to sell products and gain more customers. 

Moreover, nowadays users tend to research thoroughly before making a purchase. They will read information on your website and have more trust in your business, thereby helping your business to grow.

In summary, the benefits of SEO include increasing revenue growth, promoting the brand, services, and products your business is trading.


1. Currently, many argue that Google Ads occupies the first four positions on Google's search engine, so it's hard to compete with SEO?

==> The cost of running Google Ads is very high, requiring SEO for supplementary keywords to gain more potential customers. Typically, customers from SEO have a higher conversion rate compared to those from Ads. If running Ads were the only necessary action, Thegioididong wouldn’t need to create numerous guides on using and trading phones.

2. Should you invest in SEO for the long term?

==> Yes. Clearly, SEO helps advertise your business on Google, boosting monthly revenue growth while costing much less than running Google Ads. With Google Ads, every run costs money and when you turn off Ads, you lose customers, but SEO always helps you maintain a stable customer base.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Phuong and I have more than 10 years of experience in website development. I am confident in asserting myself as an expert in creating impressive and effective websites. Anyone in need of website design can contact me via Zalo at 0935040740.

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