
What is Artificial Intelligence? Opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Ngoc Phuong

Ngoc Phuong

2022-11-25 . 70 view

Even though you've heard a lot about artificial intelligence, do you really grasp its concept and the employment trends? Let's explore!

I. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Firstly, in response to the query “What is Artificial Intelligence?”, Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is technology that simulates human thinking and learning processes for modern machinery and devices. With this technology, computers gain human-like intellect such as thinking, reasoning, communicating, speaking, and more.

II. What Job Opportunities can AI Studies Bring?

Due to the ever-increasing demand for technological advancement at present, the hiring demand in the AI sector is quite high. However, the current human resource pool, as well as skill levels, are still lacking, making job opportunities in this field substantial. Statistics show that currently, Vietnam can only meet 10% of the personnel needs for this sector.

Artificial intelligence can be applied in many different areas of life, such as healthcare, education, communication, services, etc. Therefore, students studying AI need not worry about employment opportunities.

Tech companies and research institutions currently have a high demand for positions such as AI application development engineers, research experts, and automation system development engineers, with competitive salaries and future prospects.

III. Prominent Jobs in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

1. Studying AI to become a Software Engineer

Software Engineers engage in the process of designing and developing engineering programs and systems. An employee in the software engineer position is responsible for developing the technical functions of products that use machine learning so they can perform a variety of tasks.

2. Studying AI to work in Natural Language Processing

It's undeniable that most of the applications currently loved by users revolve around language usage. Those working in natural language processing use AI tools to recreate human voices in various formats to serve the diverse needs of businesses.

To perform well in this role, you need a thorough understanding of both language and technology. This expertise will allow you to rapidly and conveniently develop the communication needs between applications/machinery and humans.

3. Studying AI to work in User Experience

As a user experience expert, you will need to investigate how humans use devices and understand how computer scientists have applied this knowledge in the production and development of software. Sometimes, user experience workers also need to explore human habits when interacting with tools and devices to design and develop functions better suited to customer needs.

4. Studying AI to become a Data Analyst

The data science field is vast, yet data analysts in AI processes always play an extremely important role. To become an excellent data analyst, you need to master data management, analysis, and storage methods. The position also demands certain skills to efficiently communicate visual realities.

5. Studying AI to become an Artificial Intelligence Researcher

As a researcher, you may be tasked with improving data systems or overseeing the development of new software, thereby discovering new potentials. Additionally, some researchers are charged with overseeing the ethics and responsibility of creating AI tools.

Above are the details about what artificial intelligence is and some job opportunity suggestions we'd like to convey to you. We hope this article has been helpful!

Ngoc Phuong
Ngoc Phuong

Web Developer

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