At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is undergoing complex changes, online meetings have become an indispensable part. Yet, many people are still quite unfamiliar and have yet to adapt to this method.

The most crucial step for a smooth online meeting is preparation. The following tips will be of great help to you.

1. Announce the meeting time in advance

Members need to be notified some time before the meeting takes place. Not everyone has a lot of spare time, so early notification helps them manage their schedule better.

Besides, this allows the members to have time to prepare. It can be awkward if a meeting is too sudden and some participants haven't had the chance to go through documents or are not ready to give their opinions.

2. Ensure devices and internet connections are stable

We shouldn't wait until the meeting starts to access the meeting room, especially if you're not tech-savvy. Devices could run out of battery, or the internet connection could be unexpectedly disrupted.

Do the following about 15 minutes before the online meeting starts:

  • Turn off unnecessary notifications from non-work-related apps.
  • Only use apps needed for the meeting.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection without lag.
  • Prepare headphones and a mic in case the phone/computer speaker isn't loud enough.
  • Ensure your camera is functioning properly.

3. Choose a location for the online meeting

The most important aspect when choosing a place for an online meeting is undoubtedly quietness. Silence helps you focus on the meeting and listen easily to other members' opinions. Moreover, if the surroundings are too noisy, your mic will also pick up background noise – which is disturbing to others.

Select a fresh space with sufficient lighting. This not only helps your image to be displayed clearly but also inspires you to express your opinions.

4. Always be on time

Online meetings usually occur when the members are far apart. Some meetings even have participants living in different time zones. Therefore, you need to be careful always to be on time with everyone.

Being late by even a few minutes can make you miss important information. In some cases, being late can leave you unable to keep up with the discussion, completely sidelining you from the meeting.

Arriving at the moment the meeting is scheduled shows respect for other members' time. Trust me, your punctuality can make a good impression on everyone. It shows you are organized and respect your work.

5. Be mindful of how you present your opinions

Online meetings have many inconveniences compared to regular meetings, especially when many people have low-quality devices that don't allow for clear listening.

One person speaking too much and in an unfocused manner makes it hard for other members to grasp the entire content. This prevents others from interjecting and voicing their thoughts.

Therefore, you should summarize and condense the opinions you want to present. Keep only the main and important points and express them succinctly and clearly.

6. Do not leave the meeting without prior notice

Online meetings offer convenience and comfort. However, some people take this freedom too far, acting without etiquette. Leaving the meeting without prior notice gives a bad impression to the other members.

They may think you are disrespectful and inconsiderate of those around you. In fact, your continuously changing screen can also lead to a loss of focus.

If your device is not very powerful, close unnecessary applications. This reduces the chances of the device freezing, lagging, and unintentionally exiting the conversation.

7. Avoid personal work during online meetings

Interacting through a screen allows many people too much freedom. Some even work on personal tasks while in a meeting. Whether those around you are aware of what you're doing or not, this is something to be avoided.

You need to focus 100% of your attention on the discussion. Just a few moments of distraction, and you might miss crucial information. Commitment to work is sure to be appropriately rewarded.

8. Be mindful of your microphone during the conversation

Besides the moments you speak during online meetings, there are times when you need to be silent and listen. This is when you should turn off your mic.

The reason is that your sound is transmitted to all members. External ambient noise, or even just your heavy breathing, can also echo into the mic. Do not let inattention disturb the other members.

9. Introduce yourself before speaking

Online meetings sometimes occur with a very large number of people. Jumping straight into speaking makes others unsure of who is speaking. While they look for the speaker, your statements may sadly be missed.

Introducing yourself also helps the remaining members easily remember and recognize who is speaking. If your comments are insightful, your name leaves a good impression on them. Taking the initiative to introduce yourself before speaking also shows your familiarity with online meetings.

10. Consider using the chat feature

In online meetings, besides the ability to talk, we can also chat through the chat window. Depending on each person's context, we can find the most effective way to use this feature.

It's best to agree on the content to use audio and what to discuss in chat before starting the meeting.

11. Interaction should be a priority

A problem many meetings currently face is the lack of interaction. Some conversations only have a few people speaking, while other members remain silent from start to finish.

The leader needs to adjust appropriately so that members share opinions, debate, and make the meeting more lively. Members need to actively develop the conversation.

Online meetings are indispensable in the current context as the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of abating. This is a useful measure to connect members separated by geographical distances.

Accumulating the above experiences helps you always take control of online meetings, demonstrating your abilities to colleagues and superiors.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

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