In challenging economic times, making money online is becoming increasingly of interest, but many people have yet to find a method that suits their abilities. The following article will share with you some credible online money-making methods, and you can consider and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

1. Earn money by blogging and sharing knowledge

This sustainable approach is for those with patience and determination. It's not just about writing articles and getting paid; other factors also come into play like the interest level in your topic, the quality of your writing, reader engagement, and knowledge of SEO techniques.

Learn more: Understanding SEO OnPage

However, those who succeed with this method find it highly rewarding. If you have in-depth professional knowledge in areas or industries you're currently working in and are passionate about, this is one of the online money-making methods worth participating in.

To engage in this form of online money-making, you need to prepare some elements:

  • You must have a website: To have a website, you can hire someone to make it if you don't know how. However, this will cost you an initial fee of about 4 to 6 million VND. If you want to save costs, you can research building your website. I will briefly mention the elements to complete a website so that you can conceptualize and research on your own: Domain + Hosting + Source code (if you don't know how to code, you can use Wordpress, and I have a tutorial for beginners).
  • You must have basic SEO knowledge: Just focus on learning SEO Onpage and how to write SEO-standard articles, then focus on content writing, as it's still the decisive factor for your blog’s success.
  • You must have the time and deep expertise in the field you want to share: You can refer to different sources but must write and optimize in your own way and absolutely not copy from other websites.

Learn more: Installing WordPress for beginners

Learn more: Guide to deploying WordPress on VPS

Once your blog has reached a certain traffic level, you can make money from the following ways:

  • Register to earn money with Google Adsense: This Google online advertising program allows content creators to earn money from advertising. I've written a post sharing about Google Adsense, which you can refer to in the link below.
  • Earn money with Affiliate Marketing: This form of marketing means that when a party needs to promote and sell products/services. You just need to share product promotion information with an affiliate link. When someone follows your link and registers, makes a purchase, or uses a service, you get paid by the link provider. You can join reputable affiliate marketing networks like AccessTrade, Adflex, ClickBank, etc.
  • Earn money by shortening links: In the content of your article when you have links to products and services, instead of direct links, you can use shortened links to earn money. When someone clicks on the shortened link, it will display an ad for about 3 to 5 seconds and then transfer to the destination page. Some credible link shortening sites for earning money include MegaURL,,
  • Earn money by selling banners and popups: You can contact companies and units that want to promote their products and services more to rent out banner space or popups on your website.
  • Earn money with Instant Articles: This is Facebook's advertising network on mobile. Therefore, you can integrate it on your website, and once people start seeing ads from Instant Articles on your website, you will start making money.

However, this approach is only applicable if you already have a large fan page with many followers. I will explain more in another post.

Learn more: Register to make money with AccessTrade

Learn more: Making money online with Google Adsense


  • You can combine all the above methods to optimize revenue for your website.
  • You can create content in English when choosing to make money with Google Adsense, as this can make the revenue five times higher compared to Vietnamese content.

2. Earn money on YouTube by creating content

This form of money-making is no longer unfamiliar at present and is perhaps the method with the most participation.

Currently, YouTube is a social network with a large number of Vietnamese users, so you can totally join and make money on Youtube.

To make money on YouTube, your channel needs to meet the following requirements:

  • 1,000 subscribers.
  • 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months.
  • The country you register must support the money-making feature.
  • Compliance with all policies related to YouTube monetization.
  • Linked the channel to an AdSense account. The payment method is similar to Google AdSense placed on the website.

To grow your channel and get more views, you can study YouTube SEO. I have a guide for YouTube SEO you can refer to.

Learn more: Techniques for SEO YouTube Videos to Rank Top 1

Additionally, once your channel becomes famous with many subscribers, you can earn money by signing advertising contracts to promote products or services for others. In my opinion, this is how YouTubers earn the most.

3. Online selling with the Dropshipping model

Dropshipping is a business model where you don't need to stock up on products. You focus on promoting the product, get orders, then buy the product from a third-party supplier and deliver it directly to your customer. For example, you set up a shop on Shopee, post products there, and when someone orders, you buy that item from another shop at a lower price and deliver it to the customer who ordered from your shop. Then you'll profit from the differential between the two selling prices.

The biggest difference between traditional business models and Dropshipping is that with Dropshipping, you won't need to own goods or worry about order processing and delivery. Your main task is to secure as many orders as possible.

Dropshipping suits those with basic online marketing knowledge who have little capital but still want to engage in the business.

The Dropshipping process on Shopee:

  • Step 1: Create an account and upload products on Shopee
  • Step 2: Run Google Ads, Facebook ads, Shopee ads, or post on Facebook groups, Forums to promote your shop.
  • Step 3: When you have an order, pass the information to the supplier.
  • Step 4: Check your revenue and take care of customers after selling

Besides Shopee, you can consider other e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Lazada, eBay...

4. Becoming a Freelancer

If you have expertise and high skills in a particular field, you can become a Freelancer.

The nature of Freelancing involves contract work and payment. However, there are no binding contracts, and everything is agreed upon upfront when you accept a job & bargain with the employer.

The freelance market offers a diverse range of jobs to choose from, such as: Writing, graphics, web design, accounting, architecture, marketing... However, nowadays, the freelance market has high competition. To lessen the competition, you may consider these fields when entering the freelance market: Translation, Photographer/Designer/Video Maker, Video Editor, Content Writer, Website Design/Programming, SEO.

To get started with Freelancing, create an account on, search for jobs that suit you, considering factors like time, abilities, and expected remuneration. Then apply for the job.

Apart from, you can also find work on,

Learn more: What is Freelancing?

5. Trade coins, cryptocurrency trading

Trading coins means you buy various coins or tokens at a low price and sell them when the price goes up to make a profit from the difference. This method allows for quick money making but also quick losses. Those with unstable psychology and insufficient knowledge should not participate.

Many might doubt the cryptocurrency market and Bitcoin, thinking it's a scam. However, in reality, Bitcoin itself is not a scam, but its fame has been exploited by scammers, leading to this misconception. You can refer to my article below to decide whether to participate or not.

Learn more: Should You INVEST IN BITCOIN?

For this form of online money-making, my advice is to prepare basic knowledge, understand what you invest in, maintain a good psychological state, and be decisive and cautious before entering the coin trading segment.

To start trading coins, create an account on the Binance exchange, considered the largest in the world at the moment. Avoid joining Vietnamese exchanges and try to participate in major international exchanges like Binance to avoid getting scammed. Binance is widely used by Vietnamese and can be considered the most reputable at the moment.

Learn more: Guide to Trading on Binance

This is a high-risk money-making method, so beginners with no experience should only invest a small amount initially to get used to it and gather experience. And you must restrain your greed because if not, you might end up losing everything.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Phuong and I have more than 10 years of experience in website development. I am confident in asserting myself as an expert in creating impressive and effective websites. Anyone in need of website design can contact me via Zalo at 0935040740.

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