In the current digital age, making money on the phone is no longer something strange. With just a phone in hand, you can earn a significant amount of additional income every month. For those who are looking for ways to make money on the phone without having to invest capital, this article is for you.

I. Making money with your existing talents

If you are passionate or skilled in a certain field, you can fully exploit your talent. There are many jobs that you can do online on your phone without needing capital and are very reputable. Some examples of online jobs thanks to talent include: writing stories, content writing, translating documents, editing videos, coloring drawings,...

Writing articles is one of the very popular ways to make money on the phone nowadays. You can write for websites, blogs or cultural, entertainment, technology apps,... You can look for websites, blogs that are recruiting writers to write articles. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, or iWriter are some examples, where you can find jobs.

Nowadays, many people draw beautifully and make money with their talent. You can draw character pictures, landscapes,... and sell them to design sites. Canva is one example. You can also sell your drawings to those who buy and enjoy coloring ready-made drawings.

II. Making money through business

Online business is one of the common ways to make money on the phone nowadays. With the development of technology and the internet, online business has become a convenient and effective business method. With just a phone, you can become a seller on an e-commerce platform or directly on social media.

Products that are trending or essential for use are hints for you when starting a business. You can open an online store on platforms like Shopee, Lazada, or Tiki to sell your products. When you start, you do not incur any fees and can fully expand your business.

You can act as an intermediary or wait for orders before purchasing products to avoid losing capital. If you are wondering what to do business in, here are some suggestions for you:

  • Fashion and accessories: Many products such as clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, and jewelry.
  • Household items: Products such as furniture, household goods, utility items for home and office can be sold online.
  • Food and beverage: Some products like snacks, fruits, vegetables, spices, and drinks are also very popular.
  • Healthcare and beauty products: Products like cosmetics, skincare products,... have very high sales on e-commerce platforms.

III. Making money through affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular online business form, allowing you to make money by referring products. You will receive a commission when someone buys through your special link. However, when doing this job, you need to think and be creative continuously.

Choose products or services that you are genuinely interested in and can introduce sincerely and effectively. Then, create attractive content so customers click to buy from your affiliate link. You can make multiple links and receive passive income after each successful transaction.

Thus, affiliate marketing is an effective online business form that does not require too much initial capital investment. However, to be successful in making money through affiliate, you need to invest time and effort.

You can start with this money-making field through the Accesstrade channel.

IV. Making money by entering captcha

Earning money by entering captcha is one of the simplest and easiest online money-making methods. The websites that make money by entering captcha will require users to enter characters and numbers displayed in the image into an empty box. Entering captcha is often used to ensure that the user is a human rather than an automated computer program.

To start making money by entering captcha, you can search for online captcha entering money-making websites and register an account. Then, you will receive captcha entry tasks and make money each time you complete a task. You can refer to some reputable websites below:

  • 2Captcha: This is a very popular captcha entering website and is highly rated. The website has been operating for many years and provides users with good income.
  • CaptchaTypers
  • Kolotibablo
  • ProTypers

To summarize, finding ways to make money on the phone without capital has become more common than ever. Thanks to the development of technology, we can easily make money on the phone. We hope that the ways to make money on the phone without capital that we have introduced above will help you in searching for opportunities.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

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