WordPress Managed Hosting is a type of Hosting specially designed for WordPress to help your website achieve its maximum performance.

When you register for the WordPress VIP service, it is well-tuned inside the server and software to be compatible with WordPress to make your website safer and have a faster speed.  

1. Advantages

  • WordPress itself is an open source, so when you use this service, the provider will continuously update the latest version of WordPress from the source code to plugins...
  • Most managed WordPress hosting providers allow server-level caching. You do not have to rely on caching plugins to optimize speed.
  • It is also similar to other regular Hosting that It still has daily backup mode so you can be quite secure about the data.
  • Since it's specialized for WordPress, you will be supported faster when needed because the service providers must understand WordPress in order to deploy hosting for you.

2. Disadvantages

  • The price is a bit high and may not be suitable for students or those with low incomes.
  • You cannot intervene too much into Hosting, and some plugins will not be installed if they affect the server.
  • When using it, you may have to pay additional costs if you use exceeding resources in the package you registered.

3. So should you use WordPress Managed Hosting?

In my opinion, if you are quite busy, don't have much time to learn about many technical issues, and you want your website to be optimized as quickly as possible, then this is the service for you.

Some famous WordPress Managed Hosting services that you should use

  • WPEngine
  • MediaTemple
Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Phuong and I have more than 10 years of experience in website development. I am confident in asserting myself as an expert in creating impressive and effective websites. Anyone in need of website design can contact me via Zalo at 0935040740.

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