In the form of making money with Affiliate Marketing, there are many prestigious units. In today's article, I will guide how to make money with Affiliate Marketing by introducing courses on Unica. If you do not know, you can refer.

I. What is Unica?

Unica is an online training system, a gate that connects experts to learners. Simply understood, Unica is a website selling online courses.

Currently, Unica has over 800 courses, spanning many different fields such as: Programming, Google Ads Advertising, Guitar, Youtube SEO, website SEO, English, Yoga, Magic...

Unica can be seen as an e-commerce website in online course selling. If you are looking for a quality online course in the field you love, try considering courses on Unica. Here are some pros and cons of Unica for your course selection consideration.

Pros of Unica:

  • Pay once and own the course forever.
  • With just a computer or phone and Internet, you can study anywhere.
  • Unica commits to refund if you aren't satisfied.

Cons of Unica

  • High cost if there is no promotion. (If you have no coupon code, enter the code PHUONGDN for a discount).
  • The quality of courses is not evenly distributed as there are a few "bad" experts on Unica, so choose carefully.

II. Make money from Unica with the Unica Affiliate program

1. What is Unica Affiliate program?

Unica Affiliate program is an affiliate marketing program by Unica, allowing you to market all courses at Unica with commissions received from 40% - 50%.

Highlights of the Unica Affiliate program:

  • Commissions up to 60% if you commit to achieving sales.
  • Cookies within 30 days. Any referral link from you that customers buy any course you will receive commissions.
  • ReMarketing does not override the Affiliate's cookie. If the customer buys immediately after clicking on the marketing ad link, it's counted for marketing. If after 1 hour the customer returns to buy, it is counted for affiliate.

2. How to join the Unica Affiliate program

Step 1:

Visit the following link: register for a Unica account.

Step 2:

Click on registration and input full information.

dang ky unica

Step 3:

Visit the following link to retrieve an Affiliate link or LangdingPage link.

Once you visit the above link, you will see an interface as shown below, you can retrieve any Affiliate link of the courses easily. If you don't like using the Affiliate link, you can choose to retrieve a LangdingPage link.

In addition, you can also create a coupon code to share. Commissions will be calculated as when you introduce by Affiliate link or Link LangdingPage.

lay link aff marketing

3. Set up payment and receive commissions

Unica makes payments on the 15th of every month. The minimum payment limit is 500,000VND. If your income does not reach the minimum payment amount, it will be rolled over to the next month.

Unica pays commissions via Paypal, Ngan Luong, or Bank.

You go to the payment settings section, enter your tax code, identity card number, address, and upload your two-sided identity card, and opt for one of the three methods to receive the money.

cat dat thanh toan Unica

After filling in all the information, wait for Unica to approve and it's done.

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

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