Translate to English: Freelancer is a job that gives you both freedom and a guaranteed income from decent to high. At the present time, Freelancer is a choice that many young people are passionate about pursuing. Decode what you need to know to become a good freelancer and get your first job.

I. What is a Freelancer?

Freelancer can be understood as those who work freely. They carry out tasks or contracts assigned by customers. This contract is usually short-term and paid when the job is done.

The special feature of a Freelancer is the freedom of the job. They are not bound to a specific company but can freely work for multiple parties at the same time. They can also work from anywhere as long as it is completed on time and meets the set quality.

II. In which fields do Freelancers usually work?

In fact, there are many jobs that you can do as a Freelancer. Depending on your expertise and interests, you can choose from the following jobs:

1. Writing

This job is suitable for those who have a passion for words, and love to be creative. The content you are responsible for usually involves creating content for websites, writing for Facebook pages, describing and reviewing products on store pages, scripting videos...

You can also be a writer for magazines, depending on the field you are passionate about and able to be creative in.

2. Translation

If you are proficient in a foreign language, then translation is a suitable choice for you. The common languages that translators usually need are English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean... The more languages you know, the more job opportunities will be opened to you.

Besides foreign languages, don't forget to improve your Vietnamese vocabulary for smoother and more understandable language.

3. Design

This is a very "hot" field recently with a large number of jobs needed. Besides being proficient in specialized software, you need to be creative and have a sense of aesthetics to complete projects.

The job you have to do is designing logos for companies, making PowerPoint presentations, handling advertising images, videos for businesses, magazines...

4. Programing

Your main job is to design websites, applications running on phones or develop software.

You can also help optimize search tools, analyze databases...

Skills needed in this field are CSS, HTML, Javascript, Python, PHP... Besides, you need to learn as many more skills as possible, because it facilitates your work and significantly increases your income.

III. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Freelancer?

Freelancer is often seen as a great job, with many advantages. But beside that, there are also not few dark sides that outsiders have not imagined.

1. Advantages of a Freelancer

  • Flexible time: You don't need to be at work on a pre-defined time frame. Instead, you can comfortably use your most productive personal time to complete the work assigned.
  • Flexible space: Instead of confining yourself 8 hours in the office, you can choose the most comfortable workplace. You can work from home, in a cafe, in a park... as long as it inspires creativity.
  • Self-manage your work: When working for a company you are supervised by superiors and sometimes have to complete your work after many complicated and time-consuming steps. Instead, being a Freelancer, you need to adjust and cut steps yourself to produce the best results.
  • Improve personal skills: Being a Freelancer also means that you work with many different customers in different fields. You get to practice and experience different ways of working. At the same time, you develop your negotiation and communication skills with customers.
  • Increase income: As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to receive jobs from foreign customers. In these places, the salary is significantly higher than the Vietnamese market. Therefore, your income is also raised.

2. Disadvantages of a Freelancer

  • Self-discipline: Being too comfortable at work sometimes makes you lazy, often procrastinating. Therefore, what we need is self-consciousness, always having a working spirit to complete the task on time.
  • Many competitive opponents: When working in a company, the job is predetermined for you. For Freelancers, a project is open to many people, you need to prove your ability to get accepted.

IV. Freelancer websites for beginners

The biggest question when becoming a Freelancer is not having specific guidance. Are you wondering where to find work? Please refer to the following Freelancer Websites:

1. Fiverr

A popular website for Freelancers. The Freelancer is the seller of their own goods, responsible for uploading services to the system along with the price.

Customers can check your profile on Fiverr. After seeing good quality service and a reasonable price, they choose to “buy” the service and the two begin to communicate with each other.

The intermediary fee is 20% for your Fiverr fees.

Access link:

2. Freelancer

With simple, easy-to-use interface, Freelancer is a website that newbies really love. You can register an account with Facebook and then list up to 20 skills you master.

The system suggests the most suitable jobs for you. Customers are the ones who publish the projects, so you have to compete with many other opponents.

The intermediary fee is 10% for your Freelancer fee.

Access link:

3. Upwork

With over 10 million registrations as Freelancers and 4 million registrations as clients, Upwork is a vast market for you to show your ability. Upwork can be seen as the largest freelance website to date.

Many projects with different scales and fees are posted here. Fields you can choose range from writing, translating to marketing, accounting, design...

The system here is extremely secure so you can be assured of your safety. Before each project, customers pay in advance for Upwork, and after completing the project, the money is transferred to you.

The intermediary fee is 20% for the first $500 and 10% for subsequent earnings.

Access link:

At the present time, Freelancer is a job chosen by many young people for its freedom, comfort, comprehensive personal development. Are you ready to be a Freelancer?

Ngọc Phương

Web Developer

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